Ben Stolorow/Ian Carey Duo Live in Berkeley, April 4

Another interesting show coming up this week--the great local pianist Ben Stolorow and I will be performing a duo concert together at a new venue in Berkeley.We've been playing together for years but this will be our first performance as a duo--we've been working on some interesting music, including rare standards, jazz originals, and some of our own compositions from each of our recent albums (Ben's Almost There and my own Roads & Codes). Here's a sample from one of our rehearsals:Ian Carey & Ben Stolorow: CherokeeWe'll be at the Garden Gate Creativity Center, a promising new music and art venue in the shadow of the Claremont Hotel above the Rockridge/Elmwood area.WHAT: Ben Stolorow/Ian Carey DuoWHO: Ben Stolorow, piano; Ian Carey, trumpet & flugelhornWHEN: Thursday, April 4, 8-10pmWHERE: Garden Gate Creativity Center, 2911 Claremont Ave. (@ Ashby), BerkeleyHOW MUCH: $10-20 sliding scale (wine & cheese served!)


 Hope to see you!

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