Ben Stolorow / Ian Carey Duo Returns to Garden Gate, 5/9
Hello folks, despite my relative blog-silence for a while, I've been keeping busy with things musical, working on new compositions & arrangements for upcoming performances by Takoyaki 3 (5/30 at Yoshi's Lounge) and Quintet+1 (Chez Hanny). I'm also excited about a return engagement in Berkeley for my new duo project with the great Ben Stolorow this Thursday. (You can get a taste of us in action below, tackling Monk's thorny "Four in One" at our debut show last month.)We'll be bringing an all-new set of music, featuring nearly-forgotten standards, jazz rarities, and even a couple of originals. I'm also excited to announce that Ben & I will be heading into the studio to record a new album in the next month or so! (I'm especially looking forward to a spontaneous and intimate session after the major production that was Roads & Codes.) More details on that to come!WHAT: Ben Stolorow/Ian Carey DuoWHO: Ben Stolorow, piano; Ian Carey, trumpet & flugelhornWHEN: Thursday, May 9, 8-10pmWHERE: Garden Gate Creativity Center, 2911 Claremont Ave. (@ Ashby), BerkeleyHOW MUCH: $10-20 sliding scale (wine & cheese served!)Hope to see you!