Audio: KZSC Interview + Live Takoyaki 3

Hi folks, I'm continuing to be happy with the good press and airplay Roads & Codes has been getting--it's in the top 100 in the U.S. jazz charts, and the top ten in Canada, which is more than I expected for an album with no standards and multiple tracks over ten minutes.Meanwhile, here are two quick audio cuts for you--first, I had a nice chat yesterday with Nicholas Mokover at KZSC (UC Santa Cruz). We talked for about ten minutes about my background, and the old NYC vs. Bay Area question. The entire interview is here:Ian Carey Interview, KZSC (3/12/13)Second, here's another cut from our Takoyaki 3 show last month in Berkeley--this is our version of the classic Ornette Coleman anthem "Lonely Woman" (originally on The Shape of Jazz to Come). Check out the looping effects at the end of the track--that's something I've been experimenting with more & more since originally attempting it to recreate the effects we used on our version of the theme from "Dead Man" (which you can hear a streaming version of here).Takoyaki 3: Lonely Woman(Ian Carey, trumpet/effects; Adam Shulman, organ, Jon Arkin, drums)